Being A Keynote Address Delivered at the Grand Reception of Rt. Hon. Barr. Segius Oseasochie OGUN by the people of Ugboha Kingdom, today 23RD June, 2023 


Prof. Matthew Aziegbemhin IZIBILI, PhD., FCAI.

Department of Philosophy, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma & Founder, Esan Khide Development Foundation, (Centre for Research and Documentation of Esan Cultural Heritage) NGO, Ekpoma.


  1. Protocol/Acknowledgements

I am grateful to the organizers of this programme for the opportunity given to me to function in this capacity. I want to place on record that I honestly cherish this privilege to share my thoughts with this august gathering of Ugboha sons and daughters and our friends from all walks of life again today, in the capacity of a keynote speaker. Permit me to quickly say that I deliberately entitled this note, which I hope would serve as a tunic to whoever acknowledges the undeniable statement of fact which says that “Onoa-rejiena, Ejiele nolele tibhor”(whosoever gets the affirmation of his home front to be crowned a king, a hero, a celebrity, an overcomer, a champion, etc., his throne, heroism, reign and relevance, is cut out to enjoying overwhelming support and longevity). Therefore, I humbly crave your indulgence ladies and gentlemen, to ride with yours sincerely, on this voyage of ideas harvesting, reportage of accomplishments and the true meaning of an Okhale in Esan lexicon. I do hope that you would find in the notes too, as a solemn reminder that we are all stake-holders in Project Esan. When it is said in Esan, Uwamusi, it means much more than mere words of the mouth. 

  1. Introduction

The main thrust of this address is to drum it very loud and clear to our hearing, as the jubilant people of Ugboha Kingdom and Esan people generally speaking, in times like this, that it is the hand that have done greatly, that is qualified to put on the revered Esan coral bead succinctly called, Ivie. Then, I consider this grand reception as an opportunity to warmly welcome you all to Ugboha, the land of peace and progress and by no coincidence, my place of birth!

In this gathering today, are eminently qualified elders that are preferentially referred to as Enewanlen in our indigenous language; people of epistemic competence, relevance or worth; our Royal fathers, who are the custodians of our cherished traditions, seasoned academic, business moguls, oil magnets, accomplished politicians, Legal luminaries, heads of thriving establishments, etc. In all sincerity, it takes only focused and disciplined minded individual(s) to set out goals and pursue them with the needed vigour it requires to its logical conclusion. This is exactly what I see the organizers of this programme doing which and I commend most profoundly.  It is about celebrating success and nothing more. Here comes the Philosophy of Aigbokhaebholo: A clarion call for all genuine, committed and lovers of Esanland, in times like this, to learn to respect, appreciate and sincerely value our own. Indeed, appreciation promptly rendered opens the floodgate for more blessings (Obuilonmhon, ole ale arebhon ahu ilomhon).

  1. Okhaeifo bhe-bholo on my mind

The famous satirical novel authored by George Orwell, entitled Animal Farm, made known to those who may have come across it that in the "Animal kingdom", all were truly born equal but some were more equal than others.  This statement have been interpreted and understood differently, perhaps because of differences in perspectives. The Sociologists talked about social stratification and the likes.  The culture specialists concerned themselves with cultural relativism and dynamism. This is not alien to us. Hence, we have names like Oriasotie, Oseasochie, Imhonitie, Aibubokhale, Okhaeifoh, Aidiabokpa, Omhonike, Oriarewo, Omhonriawo, Aisabokhale, Uwamusi, etc. In valuing ourselves, we find our relevance activated and preserved.  This statement only directs our attention to Axiology which is that aspect of Philosophy that concerns itself with the philosophical study of value. It include but not limited to: values, worth, and or appreciation of aesthetics/beauty and beautiful things. After all, lasting beauty is inward; (Ekeleoseye and Ekeleutomhiya on my mind) and it manifests by the deeds attributed to the classified beautiful one.

 The philosophy here posited as “Aigbokhaebholo”, is to be understood within the ambience of what has been referred to as African philosophy of the family in some quarters. This is the aspect of African philosophy that reflects on family specific issues, such as the metaphysical foundations of African concept of family, kinship, its contributions to the totality of the epistemic and ‘character capital’ of the African child, the moral shaping of the said child, relative to the African community in general and as it concerns this key note address, Rt. Hon. Sergius Oseasochie Ogun the Ambassador, on my mind.  

Nature, like you know, abhors vacuum. It is a known existential fact. In the light of this, an Okhae is a naturally endowed personality who has an affable disposition and carries the necessary and required aura, capacity or influence for and on behalf of others. A carrier of a representative charisma attracts respect, regards from his peers, colleagues, and the society. He accepts responsibilities as much as is humanly possible perhaps, as a result of his empathetic disposition, into which he/she has been nurtured. For such individual to be able to meaningfully, steadily and consistently live out his God given mandate, he or she needs the supportive hands of his constituency (immediate and extended) in the spirit of Aibubiokhale. Note that whatever you refuse to place value on, or appreciate, suffers depreciation that cannot be quantified.

It is on record from historical facts that the easily identifiable group where this individual has serious challenge, (in most cases), is his family stead and community. This is why it was said in the Christian Holy book that a prophet has honour except for his home (his immediate family who will unfortunately, ignorantly, denigrate him/her).  Ladies and gentlemen, this crowd of witnesses present here today, is a clear testament that things are different now from what it was yesteryears. I congratulate all of us for being part of this epoch making event.

Do you know that if an Okhae is debased or attempted to be debased, the consequences are far reaching? This brings to mind the name Aibubokhale!  This means that you are to rally around such person(s) who is/are not usually in large numbers with respect and sincerely value them. Okanlete ikpooor, Kpai Kpai amio-Okanleteee! In each family, organization, community, an era, there is at least that Okhae for whose sake, such family, community, organization, etc, must not be abused or disrespected. Today, I am delighted to stand here and paint a portrait of the uniqueness of an Okhae in the person of the celebrator. I proudly accepted this responsibility, because I am involved. In painting this portrait, it is a huge one because of the features, structure, colouration and care for a balancing techniques involved: his early life, his foray into business world and politics and so on and so forth. However, I will do my best to do an abridged version such that as I showcase the unseen in the seen, I will not get you bored, at the end of the note that is regarded as key and I will not suffer any litigation from the Barrister.

  1. Rt. Hon. Barr. Sergius Oseasochie Ogun: A portrait of an Okhae

I give God and our ancestors thanks for the life of our illustrious son, brother, friend and a distinguished honourable member, (8th & 9th Assembly) of Federal Republic of Nigeria, Rt.Hon. Barr. (Dcn.) Sergius Oseasochie Ogun in whose honour, this reception is organized today. History is replete of the fact that in the world of politics, certain individuals tower above the rest, capturing the attention of both the young and old, rich and poor alike, all by their diligence and circumspection, which exude humanness in humanity. One of such figures is Rt. Hon. Barr. Sergius O. Ogun, a prominent name that has become synonymous with credible, pragmatic, people-centered leadership and good governance. Borne out of a genuine humanistic passion for public service, the ‘Game Changer’ as he is fondly called, by his admirers, has carved a notable path in his career which is all too tangibly evident, to be ignored. In this part of my keynote address I attempted to delve into the life and accomplishments of this remarkable and enigmatic individual, thus:

i. Early Life and Education:

Hon. Sergius Ogun was born in a modest Nigerian household, of Owaha (Ugboha) ancestry: his father from Otoikhimhin and his mother, from Inemen respectively; he imbibed the values of hard work, integrity, and compassion from an early age as openly seen today by those who had encountered this gentleman whose smiles are always therapeutic. His parents, recognizing his potentials, instilled in him a desire to pursue education as a means to effect positive change in society.  To this end, he attended St. John Grammar School in Fugar, Edo State and graduated in 1983 with the West African Senior Certificate (WASC). He also obtained a Bachelor's degree in Law (LL.B) from the University of Benin, Edo State and thereafter proceeded to the Nigerian Law School Kano to cap it up and was eventually called to the Nigerian Bar. Since 1987, Rt. Hon. Ogun has been in the oil and gas industry (upstream). For many years, he served as the Managing Director of a reputable oil and gas service company headquartered in Port Harcourt, which he co-founded in 1989. this is good to know about him; unlike others who may not have a known job or career before they join politics.

ii. Political Career and Advocacy:

Hon. Sergius Ogun's political career can be described as nothing short of exceptional. In 2015, he sought and got the mandate of the good people of Agbazilo to represent Esan North-East/Esan South-East Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives, Abuja. The mandate was overwhelmingly renewed by the people in 2019. With an unwavering commitment to the well-being of his constituents, he dedicated himself to addressing the pressing existential issues that affect his constituency. Over the years, this Beacon of Hope has consistently championed people friendly causes, which ranged from: education, healthcare, infrastructural development, youth and women empowerment, rural transformation, agricultural rebirth and social welfare, amongst others.

As an advocate for quality education, which to him has the capacity to kill the blight of disease, ignorance and superstition, Hon. Ogun has worked tirelessly to improve educational facilities, promote literacy programmes, and expand access to scholarships for indigent students. His passion for education, healthcare, wealth creation, youth and women empowerment led to the creation of the popular Sergius Oseasochie Ogun Foundation, (SOOF) in 2007. Since its inception, the Foundation has consistently engaged in annual empowerment programmes which include but not limited to: distribution of enrolment fees to 600 students for NECO/SSCE examinations, University scholarship to best performing students; annual distribution of free note books to primary school pupils and secondary school students, medical outreaches where beneficiaries are offered medical diagnoses, drugs, eye test, medicated eye glasses, at no cost. In the past ten years, a large number of people across the constituency have benefitted from these programmes. In all modesty, he started this scholarship scheme ever before he ventured into politics, for the records. He firmly believes that education is a catalyst for socio-economic development and has taken proactive measures to ensure equal opportunities for all.

Interestingly, Rt. Hon. Sergius Ogun has been a vocal proponent of healthcare reforms, recognizing the need to enhance healthcare infrastructure, provide affordable medical services, and improve the overall well-being of his constituents. Through his advocacy efforts, he has successfully secured funding for healthcare projects, collaborated with healthcare professionals, and implemented policies to bridge the unfortunate and unnecessary man-made gap, for people to have access to good healthcare.

In addition to his work in education and healthcare, Hon. Sergius Ogun has been actively involved in infrastructure development initiatives. He has played a pivotal role in building class rooms as well as equipping same across the constituency. He also facilitated the employment of teachers during his tenure. He never relented in securing funds for road construction, electricity provision, mechanized farming and water supply projects through the provision of borehole, thereby uplifting the standard of living in his constituency. It is noteworthy to mention here ladies and gentlemen, that we now have a functioning Fire station located at Ubiaja courtesy of our very committed Rt. Hon. Ogun. Ogun Oyeee, Oyeeee! 

iii. Leadership and Recognition:

Rt. Hon. Barr. Sergius Ogun, while serving as a distinguished member of the Federal House of Representatives, was a member of House committee on: Army, Anti-Corruption, Capital Market and Institutions, Emergency and Disaster Preparedness, Federal Character, Gas Resources, Petroleum Resources (Downstream), Agricultural Production and Services, Local Content and Public Service Matters, amongst others. He attracted over sixty development projects to various towns and communities within Esan North East/Esan South East Federal Constituency. These projects includes construction of several roads, rehabilitation/building of classrooms, primary healthcare Centre, provision of Solar street lights, building of the foremost Fire service station,  facilitation of the release of a good number of inmates through the service of a commissioned Attorney like Barr. Luckson Ogedegbe, KSM, etc.

Hon. Sergius Ogun's leadership abilities have not gone unnoticed, as he has received several accolades and recognition for his outstanding contributions. Recently, he won the National Daily Newspaper Lawmaker of the Year 2022 Award. His unwavering commitment to good governance and the tangible impact of his initiatives, have earned him respect and admiration from both his colleagues and constituents. Through his demonstration of integrity, empathy, and visionary approach to governance, Hon. Ogun has become a source of inspiration to aspiring politicians and the wider society. These attributes of his, is a true reflection of the upbringing he had from his Ugboha full blooded parents. For this, we are very pleased.

Again, in politics, Hon. Sergius Ogun stands out as a symbol of excellence. From his humble beginnings to his unprecedented rise as a respected lawmaker, Hon. Ogun's story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the potential for positive change. It is our hope that in the near future, now that he has shown diligence in his just completed assignment, the reward for a job well done by a worker, is more work. Therefore, now that you have done well as an Okhae, I humbly present you to His Royal Highness, the Onojie of Ugboha for his fatherly blessings, on behalf of Ugboha kingdom. In the same vein, having painstakingly painted the portrait of this undeniable Okhae and have presented him to this gathering of persons with uncommon trappings from all walks of life here present, I want to thank his dear wife, our Obhiaha for her support all the way; By extension, I am personally grateful to our leader, Hon. A. A. Giwa, for his fatherly support all the way. We are grateful to the entire members of our constituency for the rare opportunity that was given to our son to serve for this eventful eight (8) years as a very visible, vibrant and productive member of the Green chamber, Abuja. the catalogue of bills sponsored by this great son of ours, speak volumes of his exploits.  

As we welcome home today our dear son, be rest assured that we are here for you and with you as you, through your performance so far, has only introduced yourself as a trusted steward that can be rewarded with higher and better responsibilities. Therefore, we sincerely look forward to reaping the fruits for your impeccable leadership qualities on a larger scale in Edo state and beyond by the grace of God. Meanwhile, every God-sent Okhae to (a family, community, organization, etc.), should bear in mind that you are like a fruitful tree planted by the road side. Whoever passed through your location, will turn to pluck from the tree.  To pluck from you is not the case but the instruments used in "attacking" the fruits, sometimes calls for concern. Hence, I pray for double anointing upon you to remain resilient, patient, accommodating, strong, and focused. 

To my dear people of Ugboha, I want to remind you that Aigbokhaebholo!! We are expected to value them, protect them, pray for them for if there's no known Okhae in a community like ours, it will lead to stagnation and molestation, in full scale.   Let us revive the virtue of Aibubokhale for the good of the land. Let us also not harm them, disregard them or always being complacent of them.  If you love good things, good things will follow you.  

Welcome home our beloved son. Welcome home our distinguished representative with an uncommon mien. Obokhian the voice of the voiceless that cannot be silenced. Your works, people friendly motions, undeniable Bills, Resolutions to which you were a part, speak of your personality. How else can I describe you after listening to your presentation on the surest way to rescue our educational sector, (my very constituency as a University Professor), when you sponsored a bill that the children of Honourable members should be stopped from studying overseas? I saw the genuine and undying, concern you have for the people you represent. No wonder, you are a man of the people. My dear people of Ugboha, may we not close our eyes against diamond and ignorantly embark on picking of mere pebbles. Too bad...  If you have ever prayed for a God-sent Okhae, and it seems not answered, please try to add: may I be in the right location, and mood, to recognize the Okhae. This is quite instructive because you may have missed your allocation because you were not at the approved location. 

To our guests, we thank you for finding time to join us in this celebration. It is our prayers that as you have happily participated in the warm welcome home celebration of our son, you are next on the line to be announced for a rousing celebrations, amen. Thanks to the planning committee members for putting up this programme to the admiration of all. 

Long live HRH, S. O. Ukato Eidenojie 11, Onojie of Ugboha 

Long live the great people of Agbazilo here present today. May God bless Esanland!

 May Okhae and Eneluemhin-Okhae not finished in our Kingdom, amen!

Thank you for your time and God bless.  or